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22 Benefits of Olive Oil for Body Health

The olive plant or in Latin Olea europaea is a plant that can be processed to extract its fruit so that it can be turned into olive oil.

Olive oil is widely known, there are three types of olive oil, namely pure olive oil (extra virgin olive oil), refined olive oil (refined olive oil), and pomace olive oil (pomace olive oil).

In 1 tablespoon of olive oil, there are 120 calories containing nutrients:

  1. Fat 13.5 – 14 grams (oleic acid, omega 3, omega 6)
  2. Calcium 0.1 milligram
  3. Potassium 0.1 milligram
  4. Sodium 0.3 milligrams
  5. Vitamin E 1.9 milligrams
  6. Vitamin K 8 micrograms
  7. Antioxidants (flavonoids and polyphenols)

22 Benefits of Olive Oil for Body Health

Benefits of olive oil:

1. Prevent skin cancer

The powerful antioxidants in olive oil are anti-inflammatory and can also reduce DNA damage, which can help prevent skin cancer.

2. Fade acne scars

Olive oil contains vitamins and antioxidants that can help skin cells to regenerate, thereby helping to fade acne scars.

3. Moisturizing the face at night

The antioxidant content in olive oil can function to provide moisture to the skin.

4. Lowering blood pressure

Olive oil contains antioxidants that can help lower blood pressure.

5. Lowers cholesterol

Olive oil contains antioxidants that can help lower cholesterol.

6. Maintain heart health

Olive oil can help maintain a healthy heart.

7. Prevent depression

The results of a study stated that the content of virgin olive oil can help protect the nervous system, thereby reducing the risk of depression.

8. Smooth defecation

Olive oil can help smooth the inside of the intestines, making it easier to have a bowel movement.

9. Protects the body from Alzheimer's disease

The content of virgin olive oil can help protect memory and learning abilities and reduce the formation of proteins that build up in the brain.

10. Help prevent cancer

The content of oleocanthal in olive oil can help kill cancer cells.

11. Lowering the risk of diabetes

The phenolic oil compounds in olive oil can help metabolize glucose and increase insulin sensitivity and effectiveness.

12. Maintain prostate health

The lycopene content in olive oil can help protect the body from free radical damage, which is one factor that may be contributing to the decline in prostate health.

13. Reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction

Consuming olive oil is known to promote healthier blood vessels in men, thereby supporting better circulation.

14. Improve sperm quality

The content of vitamin E in olive oil can increase the number of sperm motility, which can protect sperm cell membranes from oxidative damage in men.

15. Maintain weight

Olive oil is good for consumption during a diet and is good for preventing obesity.

16. Maintain oral health

Olive oil is helpful in maintaining the health or hygiene of teeth and mouth.

17. Caring for hair health

The content of vitamin E in olive oil can help maintain healthy hair.

18. Whiten facial skin

The polyphenol content in olive oil can help protect cells from the threat of damage so that it can clean facial skin.

19. Shrink facial pores

The content of linoleic substances in olive oil can help to shrink facial pores.

20. Tighten facial skin

The content of linoleic acid in olive oil can help maintain the water content of the facial skin so that wrinkles do not appear at an early age.

21. Thicken eyebrows

The content of vitamin E in olive oil can help thicken eyebrows.

22. Get rid of black lips

The content of vitamin E and vitamin K in olive oil can help remove black lips naturally.

Hopefully helpful, and thank you 🙏.