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22 Benefits of Cat's Whiskers Plant (Orthosiphon aristatus) for Health

Benefits of Cat's Whiskers Plant / Pixabay

Cat's whiskers plant with the Latin name Orthosiphon aristatus, including plants from the Lamiaceae family, have attractive flowers, so they are often planted in the yard of the house.

In addition to ornamental plants, cat whiskers contain many benefits for the health of the body.

The nutritional content of cat whiskers, including: Flavonoids, Potassium, glycosides, orthosiponins, phosphates and oxalates and essential oils.

The benefits of cat whiskers for health include:

1. Overcoming Gout

Cat's whiskers decoction contains orthosiponin compounds that can control the work of the xanthine oxidase enzyme.

The xanthine oxidase enzyme is an enzyme that plays a role in producing uric acid.

2. Help overcome diabetes

Cat whiskers decoction combined with bitter leaf and brotowali can help lower blood sugar levels in the body.

3. Lowering high blood pressure

Cat whiskers contain flavonoids that function to lower high blood pressure.

4. Lower cholesterol levels

Cat whiskers can increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce triglycerides (blood fats) in the body.

5. Boost the immune system

Flavonoids in cat's whiskers besides playing a role in lowering high blood pressure, can also help boost the immune system.

6. Reduce stress

Flavonoids can also improve mood. Cat whiskers have a calming effect that can help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

7. Help cure urinary stones

Cat whiskers are diuretic, meaning they play a role in urinating. So that the cat's whiskers play a role in helping treat urinary stones.

8. Bladder infection

With diuretic properties in cat whiskers, it can play a role in helping bladder infections.

9. Overcoming menstrual problems

Drinking cat whiskers can reduce prostaglandin levels so that it can reduce menstrual pain and excessive bleeding during menstruation.

10. Help treat kidney disorders

Cat whiskers can play a role in helping treat kidney disorders.

11. Overcoming rheumatism

Cat whiskers can also play a role in overcoming rheumatism.

12. Relieves cough

A cat's whiskers can also play a role in helping to relieve coughs.

13. Treat swelling of the gums

A decoction of cat whiskers leaves used for gargling can help reduce swelling of the gums.

14. Reduce itching due to allergies

Drinking cat whiskers decoction can also reduce itching caused by allergies.

15. Helps the detoxification process

Cat whiskers can serve to help the process of cleaning toxins in the body. This plant has a strong liver protective effect as an antioxidant.

16. Anti-fungal

Cat whiskers also have anti-fungal substances that can prevent parasites and other tasing substances in the body.

17. Help with breathing problems

Cat whiskers are believed to help with breathing due to asthma.

18. Lose weight

Diuretic in cat whiskers is thought to play a role to help lose weight.

19. Anti-inflammatory

Cat whiskers can play a role in reducing arthritis.

20. Improve memory

The content of rosmarinic acid in cat whiskers can help to improve memory and also protect against nerve cell death caused by beta-amyloid which causes Alzheimer's.

21. Improve heart health

Cat whiskers are also known to increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower triglycerides (weak blood) in the body. The combination of antidiabetic, increased HDL levels and decreased blood lipids plays a role in preventing heart disease.

22. Anti-bacteria

The content of compounds such as phenols and caffenic acid in cat whiskers can help prevent bacterial growth and kill any remaining bacteria.

How to use cat whiskers leaves, can be used by boiling 4 to 5 wide leaves with a glass of boiled water. Then it can also be consumed in the form of The Whiskers of the Cat which is currently widely sold in online stores.

Hopefully helpful, and thank you.