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The Benefits of Areca Fruit (Areca catechu) for Health and Business Opportunities

Areca nut or in Latin Areca catechu can be used as ingredients to make traditional herbal medicine, and young areca nut can be used as juice.

Areca nut has many benefits for the health of the body, including:

1. Smooth skin

Areca nut can be used as a mask to smooth facial skin. The trick is to puree the betel nut then add turmeric powder and add enough water, mix it like a paste and apply it to the face and leave it for about 20 minutes. After that rinse the facial skin until clean.

2. Get rid of acne

Young betel nut can help get rid of acne. The trick is to wash the young betel nut, then puree and apply it on the acne-prone area, leave it for about 20 minutes. Then rinse your face until clean.

3. Overcoming back pain

Areca nut is useful for treating back pain. The trick is to take 2 areca nut then split and boil with two cups of water, add a little palm sugar and turmeric that has been crushed. Let it boil until the water reduces to one glass.

4. As a mouthwash

Areca nut can be used as a natural mouthwash. The trick is to boil the sliced ​​​​muah pinnag, add 3 pieces of betel leaf and a little salt. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Once cool, strain and use the boiled water as a mouthwash.

5. Help treat intestinal worms

Areca nut can be used to help treat intestinal worms. The trick is to take a quarter of a betel nut then boil it with half a finger of ginger and half a finger of turmeric that has been crushed. After boiling, strain the water, then drink boiled water regularly to eradicate worm parasites in the body.

6. Strengthens teeth

Chewing young betel nut every day can help keep your teeth healthy and strong.

7. Prevent bleeding

Areca nut can help make the wound dry faster. How to puree the betel nut then apply on the wound.

8. Shrink the uterus

So that the uterus after giving birth shrinks quickly, you can use betel nuts. The trick is to take one betel nut then mash it finely, then brew the areca nut powder with hot water, wait until it's warm, add one tablespoon of honey and then drink it regularly during the puerperium.

9. Increase passion

Areca nut can be used to help increase arousal because it contains arecholine compounds. The trick is to take a young betel nut and eat it by chewing it. Or you can drink boiled water.

10. Overcoming myopic eyes

Areca nut can help reduce eye blindness. The trick is to take the young betel nut then the water is sucked and the dregs are thrown away. Use regularly.

11. Tighten the uterine organs

Areca nut can help tighten the uterine organs. The trick is to take one young betel nut then split it and boil it then drink boiled water regularly.

12. Treating diphtheria

Areca nut can help treat diphtheria, how to boil two young betel nut that has been split then after boiling the water is filtered then after it is warm add honey and then drink it. Use once a day until diphtheria is cured.

13. Eliminate signs of premature aging

Areca nut can help eliminate signs of premature aging. The trick is to take some old betel nut, then slice it, then hang it in the sun to dry. Then grind it finely until it becomes flour. Then take enough betel nut powder add water to make a mask on the skin of the face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes then wash off with cold water.

14. Overcome dull and oily skin

Areca nut can help overcome dull and oily skin. The trick is to take some old betel nut, then sliced, then dried in the sun to dry. Then grind it finely until it becomes flour. Then take enough betel nut powder add water to make a mask on the skin of the face and neck. Let stand for 30 minutes then wash off with cold water.

15. Overcoming dry mouth

Areca nut can help produce more saliva because the chemical compounds of betel nut can stimulate the salivary glands to be more active. Saliva can also help prevent a person from getting diarrhea and dysentery.

Seeing the benefits of areca nut which is very beneficial for the health of the body, then areca nut can be a business opportunity. We can cultivate betel nut where in 1 hectare of land can be planted approximately 1000 betel nut trees which will be able to produce a betel nut harvest of approximately 25,000 tons of wet fruit for one harvest. In addition, areca nut care costs are also quite affordable and easy to maintain.

The conditions for growing areca nut include:

• Areca nut can grow at an altitude of 0 – 1000 masl. But ideally areca nut planted at an altitude below 600 meters above sea level.

• Make sure the soil you use has good aeration. You can use lateric, red loam or alluvial soil types.

• The acidity level of the soil suitable for the growth of areca nut is 4-8 pH.

• The ideal rainfall required for betel nut is around 750 – 4500 mm/year.

• Areca nut trees can grow optimally at a temperature of 20 – 32°

• Areca nut trees require air humidity of around 50 – 90%

• Make sure your areca nut plants get sufficient light or about 6-8 hours/day.

Hopefully helpful, and thank you.