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19 Benefits of Consuming Papaya for Body Health

19 Benefits of Consuming Papaya for Body Health/ Pixabay

Papaya is a plant that comes from Central America. Papaya fruit contains nutrients that are important for body health.

The nutritional content in papaya fruit, among others:

  1. Calories 59 kcal;
  2. Carbohydrates 15 grams;
  3. Vitamin C 95.6 milligrams;
  4. Folic acid 58 micrograms;
  5. Vitamin A 1,492 international units (IU);
  6. Vitamin E 0.47 milligrams;
  7. Vitamin K 4.1 milligrams;
  8. Fiber 2.7 grams;
  9. Calcium 31 milligrams;
  10. Magnesium 33 milligrams;
  11. Potassium 286 milligrams;
  12. Zinc 0.13 milligrams;
  13. Folate (vitamin B9) 14% of the total folate the body needs in a day;
  14. Antioxidants and carotenoids; and
  15. papain enzyme.

The benefits of papaya fruit for body health are as follows:

1. Increase immunity

The content of vitamins C, A, B and K in papaya fruit can help strengthen the immune system and fight disease and infection.

2. Prevent heart disease

The content of fiber, potassium and vitamins in papaya fruit is useful for preventing heart disease. In addition to these nutrients, the folic acid in papaya can reduce homocysteine ​​levels. Where high levels of homocysteine ​​is a risk factor for heart disease.

3. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

In one study it was stated that fermented papaya powder extract can help fight the effects of oxidative stress in people with Alzheimer's disease and can slow the progression of the disease.

4. Good for pregnant women

Ripe papaya fruit has antioxidants and also contains folate which plays an important role for the health of pregnant women.

5. Prevent signs of aging

The content of vitamins C, E and antioxidants such as carotene play a role to help prevent the skin from free radical damage that can lead to wrinkles and other signs of aging.

6. Prevent cancer

The content of antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoids can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Several studies indicate that consuming papaya fruit can reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer.

7. Help reduce stress

The content of vitamin C in papaya can make us avoid stress. According to research, consuming 200 milligrams of vitamin V can help regulate the flow of stress hormones.

8. Help relieve menstrual pain

The content of the papain enzyme can help regulate and smooth blood flow during menstrual periods.

9. Prevent breast cancer

Papaya fruit contains antioxidants that can reduce cancer-causing free radicals. Based on a study that papaya fruit showed anticancer activity on breast cancer cells.

10. Overcoming constipation

Papaya contains the enzyme papain which helps digestion. Besides that, papaya also contains high fiber, high water content, so it can prevent constipation and improve digestive tract health.

11. Prevent diabetes

Papaya fruit has a low glycemic index, so consuming papaya fruit does not cause blood sugar levels. Papaya fruit contains flavonoids which are natural antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar.

12. Maintain eye health

Papaya fruit contains carotenoids that can be converted into vitamin A, which is an important vitamin for eye health and improving vision.

Papaya also contains special compounds, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, and these compounds are located in the eye area to provide protection against UV rays that can damage the eyes.

13. Easing trade

Papaya fruit contains choline, where choline is an important nutrient to help maintain the structure of cell membranes, help transmit nerve impulses, help fat absorption, and relieve chronic inflammation.

14. Protects arthritis

The content of vitamin C in papaya fruit has anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent various forms of arthritis.

15. Improve skin health

The content of vitamin C and lycopene in papaya can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

16. Help lose weight

The high fiber content in papaya fruit can make our bodies not feel hungry easily. Natural fiber will detoxify the body and cleanse it, so the body becomes healthy.

17. Help hair health

The content of vitamin A in papaya is needed for sebum production which can maintain hair moisture.

18. Lowers cholesterol

The content of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants in papaya fruit can help the body to lower cholesterol levels.

19. Prevent asthma

The content of beta-carotene in papaya can help prevent asthma.

This papaya fruit is very good to eat just cut into pieces, it can also be consumed by making juice.

Read Also: 16 Benefits of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) for Health

Hopefully helpful, and thank you.