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27 Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava) for Health

Guava or in Latin Psidium guajava contains many nutrients. The nutritional content of guava fruit that we have summarized from various sources, in one guava fruit weighing approximately 100 grams contains nutrients, including:

  1. Water: 85 grams
  2. Energy: 49 cal
  3. Carbohydrates: 12.2 grams
  4. Protein: 1.4 grams
  5. Fiber: 2.97 grams
  6. Ash: 0.6 gram
  7. Calcium: 14 milligrams
  8. Phosphorus: 28 milligrams
  9. Iron: 1.1 milligrams
  10. Magnesium: 12 milligrams
  11. Sodium: 10 milligrams
  12. Potassium: 229 milligrams
  13. Copper: 0.02 milligram
  14. Vitamin C: 125 milligrams
  15. Vitamin A
  16. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 0.02 milligrams
  17. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.03 milligrams
  18. Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 0.8 milligrams
  19. Vitamin K
  20. Vitamin E
  21. Selenium
  22. Zinc: 0.3 milligrams
  23. Beta carotene: 27 micrograms
  24. Total carotene: 25 micrograms
  25. Manganese
  26. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9).
27 Benefits of Guava (Psidium guajava) for Health

Benefits of Guava for Health

As for some of the benefits of guava for health that we have summarized from various sources, including:

1. Fights free radicals

Guava is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants function to protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals. The benefits of guava to fight free radicals are not only obtained from the fruit, but also from the leaves.

2. Helps prevent heart disease

Guava is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants function to protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals that trigger heart disease. In addition, guava also contains fiber which can function to lower cholesterol which can harm heart health.

3. Guava is rich in antioxidants.

These antioxidants function to protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals that trigger cancer.

4. Smooth the digestive tract

The high fiber content in guava fruit can help launch the digestive system.

5. Helps overcome constipation

The high fiber content in guava fruit can help prevent constipation and maintain intestinal health.

6. Strengthening the immune system

Guava is one of the fruits with high vitamin C content. In fact, the vitamin C content in guava exceeds the vitamin C content in oranges. Vitamin C plays a role in increasing immunity or the body's immunity and reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases.

7. Help lower high blood pressure

Due to its high fiber and vitamin C content, guava is known to help lower high blood pressure. Besides, guava contains potassium which can help control blood pressure.

8. Help lower cholesterol levels

Due to its high fiber and vitamin C content, guava is known to help reduce bad cholesterol. Besides, guava also contains fiber which can function to lower cholesterol.

9. Helps maintain eye health

Guava contains vitamin A which is beneficial in maintaining eye health. Vitamin A plays a role in supporting the function of the conjunctival membrane and the cornea of ​​the eye.

10. Helps prevent diabetes

Guava has a low glycemic index and is high in fiber, so it can help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.

11. Help maintain healthy skin

Guava contains vitamin C which plays a role in the formation of collagen and is an antioxidant, so it can prevent signs of premature aging of the skin.

12. Help prevent dengue fever

Guava leaves contain quercitin which can increase the number of platelets and reduce the risk of bleeding in patients with DHF. In addition, the content of vitamin C in guava fruit can be useful in preventing the fragility (fragility) of blood vessel capillaries, and directly reducing the risk of bleeding in patients with DHF.

13. Relieves flu and cough

The content of vitamin C in guava is also good for relieving coughs and colds. This vitamin C has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that can help break down mucus and eliminate germs lodged in the throat and respiratory system

14. Lose weight

Guava contains fiber, vitamins and minerals that are good for weight loss.

15. Helps overcome infection

Guava leaves contain antioxidant and antibacterial compounds that can kill germs and fight infection

16. Helps relieve stress

The magnesium content in guava can help relax tired nerves and tense muscles.

17. Helps prevent thyroid disease

The copper and fiber content in guava can help regulate, protect and improve thyroid gland function.

18. Helps treat acne

The nutritional content of guava leaves has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, as well as vitamin K which can help treat acne.

19. Helps improve memory

Guava contains B vitamins and potassium which can help improve memory.

20. Helps overcome canker sores to swollen gums

The high vitamin C content in guava can help treat canker sores and swollen gums.

21. Helps prevent anemia

Vitamin C contained in guava can help the body absorb iron. Iron is needed to produce hemoglobin so that it can prevent anemia.

22. Helps relieve menstrual pain

The nutritional content of guava is anti-pain, so it can help reduce pain during menstruation.

23. Helps overcome diarrhea

Guava leaves are efficacious to help treat diarrhea, because the nutritional content in guava leaves is antibacterial which can fight bacteria that cause diarrhea.

24. Helps relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis

In a study, showing that red guava can help treat symptoms of osteoarthritis where it was found that red guava can protect cartilage tissue in mice suffering from osteoarthritis. However, further research is still needed to prove the benefits of this guava.

25. Helps improve oral health

It is believed, guava leaf extract can remove plaque on the teeth. However, further research is still needed to prove the benefits of this guava.

26. Helping the development of the fetus

The content of folic acid, or vitamins in guava fruit can help the nervous system in babies and protect them from neurological disorders.

27. Supports brain health

The content of vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 which is also known as niacin and pyridoxine, guava fruit can increase blood circulation in the brain, which can stimulate cognitive function as well as calm the nerves of the brain.

How to Consume Guava:

Guava can be made into juice, pudding, pickled guava and iced guava mambo.

Hopefully helpful, and thank you🙏