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14 Benefits of Carrot Juice for Body Health

14 Benefits of Carrot Juice for Body Health/ Pixabay

Carrots have many benefits for our health. Carrots can be enjoyed in addition to being mixed in vegetable dishes, they can also be consumed by making juice.

In a glass of carrots juice without added sugar contains the following nutrients:

  1. 94 calories;
  2. 0.217 mg thiamine or vitamin B1;
  3. 2.24 grams of protein;
  4. 20.1 mg of vitamin C;
  5. 689 milligrams of potassium;
  6. 21.9 grams of carbohydrates;
  7. 1.89 grams of fiber;
  8. 0.35 grams of fat;
  9. 2,256 mcg of vitamin A;
  10. 36.6 mg of vitamin K; and
  11. 0.512 mg of vitamin B6;
Here are some of the benefits of a glass of carrot juice, as follows:

1. Prevents Cancer

Carrots contain antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B6 which can work in preventing the growth of cancer cells.

2. Lose Weight

Carrot juice contains a lot of fiber so we can feel full longer and can stimulate the body's metabolism and increase the excretion of toxins from our body.

3. Brain Health

The content of beta-carotene in carrot juice can improve brain health and reduce long-term problems of senility.

4. Healthy and Smooth Digestion

The fiber contained in carrot juice can help the digestive process and can prevent and treat constipation.

5. Prevents Heart Disease

The content of potassium in the juice works to lower blood pressure and reduce the amount of cholesterol so that blood flow to the heart is smooth.

6. Brighten Skin Tone

The content of antioxidants and vitamin C in carrot juice is effective in preventing premature aging.

7. Good for Diabetics

Carrot juice contains less calories and sugar so it can control the amount of blood sugar in the body.

8. Increase Body Metabolism

In carrot juice can increase bile secretion so that it can help increase the body's metabolism.

9. Makes Vision Healthier

The content of vitamin A in carrot juice is one of the most powerful antioxidants that work to protect the surface of the eye and help for stronger vision. Carrot juice also contains lutein, which protects the eyes from light damage.

10. Overcoming Skin Disorders

Carrot juice contains vitamin C which has healing properties. So that it can help the recovery of skin external wounds and skin trauma. In addition, carrot juice can reduce skin inflammation, and accelerate skin healing.

11. Lowers Blood Pressure

Carrot juice contains potassium which functions to lower blood pressure. And potassium also serves to reduce the risk of stroke.

12. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Apart from lowering blood pressure, the potassium content in carrot juice can also lower cholesterol levels.

13. Immune/Immune Enhancement

Carrot juice contains antioxidants that can help the body fight free radicals, damage cells in the body and reduce inflammation. The content of vitamin C in carrot juice also helps boost immunity, and helps the body in overcoming colds.

14. Reduces Symptoms of Leukemia

In carrot juice allegedly can cause leukemia cells to self-destruct and throughout the cell cycle.

Also Read: 16 Benefits of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) for Health

Hopefully helpful, and thank you.