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20 Benefits of Honey for Health

Various Benefits of Honey for Health

Honey has become an alternative to healthier food and drink sweeteners, especially for diabetics, because of its low glycemic index. In addition, there are also several other benefits of honey that you can get, namely:

20 Benefits of Honey for Health

1. Accelerate wound healing

There have been many studies that say that honey is useful in accelerating wound healing. Honey is known to help get rid of dead tissue, kill bacteria present in the wound, and stimulate the formation of new skin to close the wound.

The types of wounds that may be healed by the benefits of honey are burns, abrasions, and diabetic wounds. However, keep in mind that the honey that can be used is honey that is guaranteed to be sterile.

2. Maintain a healthy digestive system

A number of studies say that honey is also beneficial for the health of the digestive system. Honey is referred to as a prebiotic that can support the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

3. Fight free radicals

Phytonutrient compounds and a number of vitamins in honey are natural antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body. This content is very useful for preventing damage to cells and body tissues caused by oxidation activity.

There are many benefits that can be obtained from the content of honey on this one, including reducing inflammation and preventing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

4. Increase body immunity

In addition to counteracting free radicals, the phytonutrient compounds contained in honey can also strengthen immune cells in the body. In addition, honey is also known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

5. Relieves cough

The sweet taste of honey can trigger the production of saliva to moisten a dry throat, thereby reducing itching in the throat and the urge to cough. In addition, various antioxidants in honey are also useful for reducing inflammation that can trigger coughs.

In fact, several studies have stated that honey is useful as a natural cough medicine that is no less than medical cough medicines that are often prescribed by doctors for adults and children aged over 1 year.

6. Maintain heart health

Phytonutrient compounds in honey are thought to improve heart health by improving blood flow and preventing the formation of atherosclerosis. Several studies have also proven the benefits of honey in lowering blood pressure and reducing levels of bad cholesterol and fat in the blood.

However, keep in mind that the various benefits of honey above still require further evidence and study.

7. Control weight 

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in 2010 found that honey can help control appetite. Consumption of honey before bed makes the body burn more fat during the early hours of sleep.

8. Maintain cholesterol levels 

Several studies have shown a link between honey consumption and cholesterol levels. Honey is known to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) while significantly increasing good cholesterol (HDL). A study conducted on 55 patients compared honey to granulated sugar. As a result, honey led to a 5.8 percent decrease in LDL and a 3.3 percent increase in HDL cholesterol. Not only that, honey consumption also led to a modest 1.3 percent weight loss.

9. Lowering triglyceride levels 

Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. An increase in this type of fat is a risk factor for heart disease. Uniquely, many studies have linked regular honey consumption with lower triglyceride levels.

10. Get rid of dandruff

A study published in the European Journal of Medical Research in 2001 found honey can help get rid of dandruff. This study applied honey diluted with warm water to the problem area and let it sit for three hours before rinsing. As a result, the respondents reported reduced itching and dandruff crusts within one week. Not only that, the shells on the scalp healed within two weeks and the patient even showed a reduction in hair loss.

11. Lowering blood pressure

According to Healthline, honey contains antioxidant compounds that have been linked to lowering blood pressure. Research conducted on rats and humans showed a slight reduction in blood pressure by consuming honey.

12. Treating gout

Gout is a disease that attacks the joints. This disorder arises because the level of uric acid or uric acid is too high. Many ways can be done to overcome this disease, one of which is using honey. The benefits of honey are able to neutralize purine compounds in the body. This fact can trigger high uric acid levels. Although honey consumption can lower uric acid levels, to get more intensive treatment, you can consult a doctor.

13. Reduce the risk of cancer

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases and takes a long time to treat. The causes of cancer vary, one of which is because the body is often exposed to free radicals. Based on research, it is known that the benefits of honey, especially black honey, can reduce the risk of cancer. The content of flavonoids or antioxidants in black honey on a regular basis can reduce the risk of cancer cell growth in the breast and reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

14. Prevent Alzheimer

The health benefits of honey can further prevent Alzheimer's disease. This disease usually affects the elderly. Alzheimer's is a condition when the ability to think begins to decrease and generally occurs at the age of 65 and over. To prevent this, you can consume foods or drinks that contain lots of flavonoids, one of which comes from black honey.

15. Reduces gastric symptoms

Gastritis or disorders of the digestive tract, especially the stomach, often occur in some people. These conditions make them experience pain in the stomach, nausea, to pain and make them uncomfortable. There are many drugs for ulcer disease, but excessive chemical treatment can cause side effects.

Understanding this, not a few choose to take herbal remedies or natural ingredients to relieve heartburn. One natural ingredient to reduce these symptoms is black honey. Honey has antibacterial properties so it can reduce the pain caused by a bacterial infection that causes the pain.

16. Helps the healing process of diabetes

Although it tastes sweet, honey is one of the drugs in helping the healing process of diabetes. The high content of alkaloids makes honey can be used for treatment. In addition, the sugar content in honey is relatively small, so there is no risk of increasing blood sugar levels quickly. However, the goodness of this honey must be balanced with a healthy lifestyle so that diabetes suffered is completely cured. In addition, it is highly recommended to consume black honey at sufficient levels if necessary and consult a doctor first.

What to Pay Attention to When Consuming Honey

Generally, honey is classified as safe and does not cause many side effects. Even so, you need to know that honey should not be given to infants or children under 1 year of age because of the risk of causing botulism.

Botulism is a poisoning condition that attacks the body's nerves and can be life-threatening. This risk also needs to be watched out for in pregnant women who have digestive problems or diseases that weaken the body's immune system.

Another thing to keep in mind is that honey can cause allergic reactions in people who also have an allergy to pollen.

In addition, there is a type of honey that must be used with caution, namely rhododendron honey or known as mad honey. This bitter-tasting honey comes from the nectar extraction of rhododendron flowers.

Mad honey does have high antioxidant activity so it is believed to be useful as a hypertension drug, diabetes drug, and sexual arousal enhancer. However, this honey can cause poisoning with symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain, fainting, to coma.

The benefits of honey to improve health are varied. Even so, honey consumption should not be excessive, considering that this substance is high in calories and sugar.

If you want to experience the benefits of honey for the treatment of certain diseases or to heal wounds, you should first consult with your doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of honey according to your condition.

Benefits of Honey for Face

Not only good for health, but honey is also efficacious for the face or beauty. There are many skin care products that use honey as one of the basic ingredients. If used regularly, the benefits of honey for the face are as follows: 

1. Moisturizes the skin

The benefits of honey for the face are to moisturize the skin. Those of you who feel your facial skin is too dry can use honey to moisturize the skin. You can directly apply honey like when using a mask. Wait until dry then rinse with clean water, and dry your face. Do this treatment several times a week regularly to produce a moist and healthy face.

2. Cure acne and acne scars 

Acne is one of the most common facial skin problems people complain about. Not only women, but men can also have acne on the face. There are many ways that can be done to cure acne, one of which is using natural honey. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties so it can reduce inflammation caused by acne. Not only cure acne but honey can also be used to remove or disguise acne scars. How to use honey is not difficult, you can directly apply honey to the face, then wait a few minutes then rinse. In addition to using pure honey, you can also mix honey with turmeric powder to get maximum and fast results.

3. Heal dry lips 

There are times when we feel that our lips become drier than usual. This condition is caused by a lack of fluids in the body, aka dehydration. Dry lips cause discomfort and are sometimes accompanied by soreness and even hurt. To overcome the problem of dry lips, you can use honey. The trick is by applying honey before bed as when using a lip balm or lip polish. Then, the next day you will feel the benefits of honey and get more moist lips.

4. Whiten the face 

The benefit of honey for the next face is to whiten or brighten the face. Clean and bright skin is the dream of many people, especially women. There are many beauty products that promise to whiten skin in an instant, but that's not necessarily safe.

A safe way to whiten the face can be by using natural honey. You can mix honey with various other natural ingredients such as lemon and yogurt, then apply it to your face as a mask. Let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse using warm water. For maximum results, you can do this treatment several times a week.